The Vision Charity

This is a charity for deafblind children. You just need to click the social vibe widget to do a simple 1 minute activity. If you participate, you’re going to see a certain product and just follow the instructions. It’s free and there’s no catch at all. The advertising company will give a certain amount to the charity in exchange of clicking their advertisements. I chose The Vision Charity for the deafblind children.

Browse their site: The Vision Charity. Don’t forget to click the widget at the bottom of this blog. Let us help the children with this very simple activity.

Visit this blog everyday for a simple social vibe activity. You can also try clicking the social vibe on my associate’s website: Just Thinking

Let us make a difference.

How to increase traffic to your website

I found a very effective and legitimate concept on how you can increase the traffic for your website or blog.

A new marketing channel for website owners (publishers) with which you can increase traffic to your website free and with no extra work.

Publishers integrate a widget on their websites through which news / contents of the participating web pages are presented. If a visitor is interested in a news item viewed in a widget he is sent to the respective page. Via the widget integrated in your website you will receive 200-250% more visitors in return than are sent on to the host website. Thanks to this effective concept you can expand your potential market free of charge and gain greater independence from search engines and expensive advertising campaigns.

Visit this new site. It was started on April 2011. The author just added an old post from his old blog. Anyway the traffic generator or widget is the Current News and Amazing Finds on that blog.  Click this to check the sample blog.

How many visitors will you receive from the host website?

You will receive 200-250% more visitors than are sent to the host website. If 100 visitors click on the widget on your website, you will receive between 200-250 visitors. These voluntarily visit your website out of interest for the presented news and contents in the widgets.

Is it compatible with google adsense?

Definitely. Nothing to worry about your paid to click ads or google adsense.

Tips for registration:

1. Sites with sexual, pornographic or unlawful content are not permitted.

2. Your website should be updated regularly and have at least 1000 visitors per month. ( but if you have 400 visitors since you started they will accept your registration if you are updating your sites regularly. If less than 400 visitors just register and they will check your website if the content are good they will approve your registration. If you don’t know how many visits your website just enter an estimate like 400. Try it. It’s free. You have nothing to lose.)

Register with our double the traffic. It’s free. Legitimate. And it will definitely increase your website/blog traffic.

Find the complete details here: Increase Traffic

Check this blog regularly. I will post other helpful and legitimate sites for Increasing blog traffic.